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- Do you need legal assistance in protecting your rights in a dispute against a business?
- Has your business been named in a law suit or other legal action?
- Are you concerned about your loved ones or your assets should you be incapacitated?
- Have you or your property been damaged due to the actions of another person?
- Do you need help starting a business?
- Do you need legal advice or counseling at law?
The Preslan Law, L.L.C. can provide you with experienced legal help on these issues and many other legal questions you may have. Attorney and Owner Clinton E. Preslan has helped individuals and businesses address their legal issues and questions since 2006. For experienced and effective legal services in Northeast Ohio, please contact us or complete the above inquiry form.
Preslan Law, L.L.C. Telephone: (216) 476-1155 P.O. Box 16323 Fax: (216) 912-0850 Rocky River, Ohio 44116
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